Information Update for Bands


Great to have you here! We are looking forward to hearing from you.

The next Forest Metal Festival Open Air will either take place on August 29 + 30, 2025, or on September 19 + 20, 2025!

Update your band information in less than 5 minutes.

There are a few mandatory fields (*), but many of them can be completed with just a few clicks.

Let’s create an unforgettable event together again!

    You must select either a Metal genre, Rock genre, or enter your own music genre below! Please enter your music genre here if none from the above options applies. For example, "Black/Death Metal." In 87600 Kaufbeuren (Germany) or nearby area. Please select. In 87600 Kaufbeuren (Germany) or nearby area. Please select. In 87600 Kaufbeuren (Germany) or nearby area. Please select. Can you use IEM? We have the equipment. Format: jpg, png oder gif Maximum size: 2 MB If you have one or more documents combined in one file (e.g., Stage Rider within Tech Rider), simply upload the file again in the required field below (e.g., Stage Rider)! Please upload only PDF files with a maximum of 2 MB. This can be an EPK or PR material, for example. (Limit: 2 MB/file) ________________________________________ Fields marked with * are mandatory!